🚑: The use of ambulances or other medical transport equipment bearing medical insignia for transfer of military personnel is a serious violation of the laws of war that amounts to a war crime. Such actions are war crimes under the Additional Protocols of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and customary laws of war. In addition to endangering medical personnel by casting suspicion on their neutrality, it undermines their ability to deliver urgent medical assistance to civilians and combatants on all sides of a conflict.
💬: The footage has been accurately captioned in English, thanks to our bounty program. The subtitles are permanently burned into the video, but a raw version of the footage can be made available upon request.
🥸: The presence of one or more perpetrators wearing masks, or deliberately attempting to conceal their identities, indicates that they are conscious of both the moral and legal implications of their actions.
👮: The police is present, but is being apathetic or complicit. Protect and serve? Who do you call when police murders?